News items in the category: First Home

Big Assistance Package For Regional Buyers
The Federal Government will double the existing first-home-buyers assistance package commencing in the next financial year. A further 10,000 assisted packages will be set aside specifically for purchasers wishing to construct new homes in regional areas.

Government increases support for 10,000 First Home Buyers to kickstart the economy
First Home Buyers are big winners in this week’s Federal Budget announcement. On Tuesday, the Government revealed the 2020-2021 path to economic recovery and once again looked to the construction industry to create jobs and rebuild the nation’s economy.

$25,000 HomeBuilder Grant Ends Soon!
Landgipps has titled land, and house & land packages available for home buyers to take advantage of the huge Government incentives available right now.

First Home Buyers can save up to $50K*
There has never been a better time to easily enter the property market. As a first home buyer you may be eligible to take advantage of multiple financial assistance schemes to finally make owning a Landgipps dream home, your reality.

Ferntree Ridge – Stage 8 Release Fast Tracked!
Stage 8 has been fast tracked to launch on Saturday 4th of July exclusively to our partner builder customers!

Ferntree Ridge – Save $30k off selected Stage 2 lots*
Don’t miss the perfect opportunity to secure a large block at Ferntree Ridge! For a limited time save $30,000 on selected lots in Stage 2*

Living by the sea
Living by the sea is a lifestyle many people dream of but fast becoming more and more achievable. With changing technology, improved infrastructure and transport and greater affordability many are making living by the sea a reality.

Moving to Regional Victoria
There has never been a better time to buy and build in Regional Victoria. With the escalating cost of living, busy lifestyle and the struggle to break into the housing market in Melbourne, areas in Regional Victoria such as Gippsland are becoming a popular choice.
8 Advantages of Building a New Home
It’s brand new and you’re the first person to enjoy it Create the very first memories in your brand new home. Soak in the bath that has never been used, walk in bare feet on carpet that has never been stepped on. Customisation Choose the perfect block of land and the perfect home for you. Create a floor plan that suits you. Personalise your home with your own colors, finishes and features. You don’t need to compromise with a house that was built for someone else. Going Green Look after the environment and save on your energy bills. A new house gives you the opportunity to install the latest energy efficient appliances. Protect Your Family No hazardous materials, such as […]

Jargon Busting Terms All First Home Buyers Should Know
Agreement This is the written contract for the sale and purchase of the property between the vendor (seller) and the purchaser (buyer). Deposit Part of the price (usually 10%) paid by the buyer when the agreement is signed or on confirmation. Equity This is the amount of the property that the purchaser actually owns – rather than owes. Freehold This form of title means that you own the land and the buildings on the property, with few restrictions. Mortgage A mortgage is a type of loan. Mortgages are used to make large real estate purchases without paying the entire value of the home and land up front. Over a period of many years you repay the loan, plus interest, until you eventually own […]

Save that money honey!
Being a 23-year-old girl I am all about treating myself. Whether it is buying a new dress, going away for a weekend or a night out with friends, I will always find a reason to justify my spending. However, when it comes to being an adult my priorities are definitely not in order. Net banking has ruined it. If I want something I will make sure I find a way to get. If I can’t afford it at the time I will use my credit card or I will transfer money from my savings into another account just so I can treat myself. I understand that things do happen and you can’t account for everything. Your car might break down […]

First home blog: hide and cost seek
By Steph Nash Building your first home is an exciting but overwhelming experience. Confusing terms and definitions, budgeting, and home loans can be confronting for anyone who has never looked at property before, and most of it probably won’t make sense.