News items tagged: first home owner grant

Big Assistance Package For Regional Buyers
The Federal Government will double the existing first-home-buyers assistance package commencing in the next financial year. A further 10,000 assisted packages will be set aside specifically for purchasers wishing to construct new homes in regional areas.

Government increases support for 10,000 First Home Buyers to kickstart the economy
First Home Buyers are big winners in this week’s Federal Budget announcement. On Tuesday, the Government revealed the 2020-2021 path to economic recovery and once again looked to the construction industry to create jobs and rebuild the nation’s economy.

First Home Buyers can save up to $50K*
There has never been a better time to easily enter the property market. As a first home buyer you may be eligible to take advantage of multiple financial assistance schemes to finally make owning a Landgipps dream home, your reality.